
Privacy Statement

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, its Regulations and the Privacy Notice Guidelines published by the Ministry of Economy (hereinafter the Law), Escuela Americana A.C., makes available to users Holders of this Privacy Notice in order to inform them of the scope and general conditions of the Treatment of their personal data, so that they are able to make informed decisions about their use, as well as to maintain control and disposal over them.


Identifiable natural persons to whom the personal data correspond. An identifiable natural person is considered to be one whose identity can be determined, directly or indirectly, through any information (hereinafter the Holder).


Escuela Americana A.C., (hereinafter the Responsible), with address in Valle de An谩huac S.N. fraction San Javier Valley, Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, C.P. 42086 is responsible for the Treatment and protection of the confidentiality of your personal data, sensitive personal data and financial or patrimonial personal data, as well as for guaranteeing its security and the right to informative self-determination of each Holder. Principles regarding the Protection of Personal Data. In all Processing of personal data, the Responsible observes the principles of confidentiality, legality, consent, information, quality, purpose, loyalty, proportionality and responsibility. In compliance with the principle of information, the Responsible, Through this Privacy Notice, it informs the Holders of the information regarding the Treatment to which their personal data collected or generated for the services provided by the Responsible Party will be subjected, so that they are able to exercise their right. to informational self-determination.

Treatment of personal data.

By providing your personal data, the Owner agrees to its Treatment, as this term is defined in section XVIII of article 3 of the Law, that is, the obtaining, use, disclosure or storage of your data personally, by any means. The use includes any action of access, handling, use, transfer or disposal of personal data (hereinafter the Treatment). The Treatment involves the national or international transfer of personal data. In case of not agreeing to the Treatment of your personal data, the Holder must not provide any data, and the Responsible may not provide the services of the legal relationship that is intended to establish with the Holder.

Purposes of the Processing of your Personal Data

The Responsible will collect your personal data for the following purposes:

1. Respond to requests for information received
2. Respond to the comments received on the links on the Responsible Party's website: "Contact", "Careers" and "Admissions"
3. Send information that may be of interest to the Holder
4. Preparation of statistics

Personal data object of Treatment.

The personal data of the Holder that are subject to Treatment by the Responsible Party are classified as follows:

  1. Identification data
  2. Contact information

The Treatment of your personal data will be that which is necessary, adequate and relevant in relation to the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice.

Sensitive personal data.

They are those that affect the most intimate sphere of its Holder, or whose improper use may give rise to discrimination or entail a serious risk for it.

The INAI has classified sensitive personal data in the following categories: ideological data; data on political opinions; union membership data; health data; data on sex life; ethnic or racial data; biometric data.

The Responsible does not request sensitive data or financial or patrimonial data of the Holder during the reporting process.

Collection of your personal data.

Personal data will be collected through the Responsible Party's website, online chat, email, official social networks, electronic, sound and visual media, or by any other lawful technology, including telephone calls.

Personal data transfers

The Responsible may carry out data transfers without requesting the consent of the Owner in the cases provided for in the Law and its Regulations.

Third party recipients of personal data will assume the same obligations and responsibilities that the Responsible has assumed with the Owner in this Notice.

The Holder of personal data that establishes a legal relationship with the Responsible accepts that their personal data could be transferred in the terms described in the Law, its Regulations and this Privacy Notice.

Security measures for the processing of personal data.

The Responsible has the necessary and sufficient administrative, physical and technical security measures to protect your personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction, use, access or unauthorized Treatment.

The Data Controller benefits from the security measures and certifications of compliance with security standards offered by its technology infrastructure provider.

Personal data is safeguarded in databases and computer equipment that have the necessary security to prevent information leaks.

The Responsible undertakes that the personal data will be treated under strict security measures, guaranteeing its confidentiality.

Options and means to limit the use or disclosure of personal data.

If the Owner wishes to request the limitation of the use or disclosure of their personal data, they can do so by sending an email to contact@americana.edu.mx or at the offices of the Responsible Party.

Rights of the Holders of personal data.

Any Owner or, as the case may be, their legal representative, may exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to their personal data, and the Responsible Party will provide the means that allow them to exercise their rights in a timely manner.

Means of the Holders to exercise their rights.

The exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of use or revocation of consent, must be requested in writing to the email contact@americana.edu.mx锘 or at the offices of the Responsible.

Exercise of rights of the holders.

The request for access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, limitation of use or revocation of consent must be submitted via email or in writing at the offices of the Responsible Party, and contain and accompany the following:

  1. Name of the Holder and address or other means to communicate the response to your request.
  2. Documents that prove your identity or, where appropriate, the legal representation of the Holder.
  3. Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which one seeks to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.
  4. Any other element or document that facilitates the location of personal data.

The Responsible will communicate to the Holder, via email, the determination adopted within the following twenty business days from the date on which his request was received, so that, if appropriate, it becomes effective within fifteen days. business days following the date on which the response is communicated. The aforementioned terms may be extended only once for an equal period, as long as the circumstances of the case justify it.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

The Responsible reserves the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time for the attention of new legislation or jurisprudence, internal policies, new requirements for the provision or offering of the services offered by the Responsible.

The updated Privacy Notice will always be available through the website www.americana.edu.mx and at the offices of the Responsible Party.

Blanket Consent

Having made this Privacy Notice available to the Owner, either personally or through the website or other means, and not having immediately expressed any opposition, it will be understood that the Owner has tacitly consented to the Processing of their personal data.

If the Holder provided his data verbally, in writing, by electronic, optical or any other technology, or by unequivocal signs, it will be understood that he has given his express consent.

Revocation of consent for the processing of your personal data.

The Holder of the personal data may revoke his consent for the Processing of his personal data at any time, by sending a written request for this purpose to the email contact@americana.edu.mx or presenting himself at the offices of the Responsible to fill out and sign the application.

The origin of the revocation of consent could imply the suspension of the services that the Responsible provides to the Owner, without liability for the Responsible.

Within the next twenty business days counted from the date on which the revocation request was received, the Responsible Party will inform the Holder about the admissibility or inadmissibility of the same, and if it is appropriate, it will be effective within the fifteen business days following the date on which the response to the email provided by the Holder is communicated.

July 2022.